“Defining Datapoints for Metagenomic & Microbial Classification” workshop – AgBioTech Summit 2020

February 24, 2020




Plant-soil microbiome research is currently hampered by the lack of industry standards for metagenomic and microbial classification. This lack of alignment is manifesting in contradictory results when investigations are replicated in different labs and geographies. As such, there is a need to harmonize the methods and standards used to make industry and academic research efforts more efficient. The workshop gave participants the opportunity to understand:

  • How and why there is a need for defining a sequence-based classification system for microbes
  • The need for setting a common nomenclature for naming microbes
  • What minimum information is required to be reported on a genome sequence or metagenome?
  • How can these data be used to develop a better understanding of the plant microbiome?
  • How can we report soil characteristics and weather conditions in a standard way that will allow for more comparable results?
  • How might a census of microbes and checklist of datapoints to be reported help in the adoption of common regulatory frameworks worldwide for agbiologics?
