Call for abstracts: Exploring Phytobiomes Workshop
Abstracts for proposed talks are now being accepted for individuals who would like to present their work at the “Exploring Phytobiomes” workshop that will be held during the Plant & Animal Genome Conference 30 on Wednesday 18 January, from 10:30 am to 12:40 pm.
Deadline: 12 October 2022, 23:59 US Eastern Time.
The presentation must focus on phytobiomes related work. As a reminder, the term “Phytobiome” refers to a plant (phyto) growing in a specific environment (biome). Phytobiomes research is a system-level approach studying the complex interactions between plants, microorganisms, soils, climate, environment, and management practices.
Abstract submitted should not be longer than 250 words.
If you would like to recommend an individual for a talk, please feel free to forward this message.Please read before submitting your abstract:
- This is an in-person meeting, all sessions will take place at the Town & Country Resort in San Diego (CA, USA) and all presenters must attend in person, there is no virtual option.
- The Phytobiomes Alliance does not provide travel support to attend the PAG conference or the workshop.
- All selected speakers will have to register to the PAG conference to present at the workshop. Workshop speakers are guaranteed the early registration discounted rates, no matter when they register.
- PAG organizers are enforcing several rules to ensure diversity of speakers at the various workshops. These include prohibitions on an individual giving the same or a highly similar talk in more than one PAG workshop or giving the same or highly similar talk in the same workshop as given the prior year. We will work with the organizers to enforce this rule.
- We are using an online platform to streamline the abstract submission and review. You will need to create a free account on the online platform to be able to submit your abstract.