Webinar: Predictive biology: understanding and reversing the evolution of antibiotic resistance
Predictive biology is the next frontier in systems and synthetic microbiology. Experimental data, quantitative modeling, and machine learning can now...
Predictive biology is the next frontier in systems and synthetic microbiology. Experimental data, quantitative modeling, and machine learning can now...
A holobiont is a host (plant, animal or human) and its associated microbial communities (bacteria, viruses, archaea, protists and microscopic...
CIRCLES is a multi-national, multi-actor, 5-year consortium funded by the European Commission and aimed at developing microbiome applications to improve...
Managing nutrients is a key part of an agronomic system. 4R Nutrient Stewardship provides a framework to achieve cropping system...
Many academic and industrial labs have discovery programs looking for microbes or other promising leads to address farmers’ needs for...
Ensuring food safety and security continues to be a perpetual challenge as 20-50% of all crop yields are lost to...
Plant disease is a major problem for US and global agriculture and results in yield losses and high costs for...
MASTER is an EU funded project (€12 million budget), the overall aim of which is to take a global approach...
Next generation sequencing (NGS) revolutionized the understanding and discovery of molecular details in biological organisms. Scientists generate large amounts of...
The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization...